Member-only story
BambooDeFi Project
BambooDeFi is a project founded by the companies NexxyoLabs (Owners: AuroraATMs, OuterRing, Experiencia360 and some tools and bots of crypto and traditional trading) and by the Kindynos company as the technology partner.
BambooDefi is a decentralized global ecosystem managed by SmartContracts used to exchange and store cryptocurrencies, with the desire to become a platform that can be easily used for all users thanks to NFT implementation through gameization and credit system deployment.
BambooDeFi products
The BambooDeFi ecosystem includes a number of interconnected products:
Liquidity pool.
DeFi exchange.
Management system.
Bamboo Vault.
This ecosystem allows BambooDefi to develop new BAMBOO tokens as the project grows and the number of system users increases using the staking system.
Elements in the ecosystem allow BambooDefi users to not only profit from staking and provide liquidity to teams, but also allow the project to distribute income fairly among ecosystem users. , to…